Rail vehicle technology
Whether it's the fuel cell, braking system, fire extinguishing system or the drinking water supply: we offer tailor-made solutions for all applications that must never fail. Robust, reliable and always economical.
We offer modern solutions for fuel cell systems for emission-free mobility on rails. With decades of industry expertise, we know the requirements of rail technology in every aspect: hydraulic connections must withstand high pressures, defy wind, weather and meet the highest fire protection requirements. In short, they must offer maximum operational reliability at all times.
And that is precisely what our VOSS connection solutions do. Every cutting ring, every pipe forming system and every pipe contains innovative technology and the concentrated know-how of over 90 years of technical expertise.
Tailor-made solutions for rail technology
From high-speed trains to trams we find the right fluid solution for every rail vehicle - whether diesel, electric or fuel cell drive.
Your benefits at a glance
Pressure resistant up to 800 bar
No one is better when it comes to “leak safety”. Many of our cutting ring and tube forming systems can withstand pressures of up to 800 bar.
Corrosion protection to perfection
VOSS is the technological leader in terms of corrosion protection. Our VOSS coated zinc-nickel surface coating, developed in-house, warrants maximum corrosion resistance.
Economical mixed design
Steel and stainless steel components perfectly matched: our VOSSRingᴹ is made from a special steel material that offers maximum safety even in combination with stainless steel pipes thanks to its special hardness.
Reliable assembly
All our solutions are optimized for simple and reliable assembly and repeat assembly. That saves time and minimizes possible sources of error.
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Premium quality, worldwide availability
When manufacturing our products, we work according to identical processes and uniform production principles worldwide. Wherever you are: we provide you with first-class products to the highest quality standards.