com Certification Body at TÜV NORD CERT GmbH Design and anufacturing of ystems ( onnectors and ines) andm s c l c f tomponents of luid echnology VOSS Automotive Components (Jinan) Co., Ltd. No. 4277 Jichang [...] 44 126 230537 ScopeCertificate Reg.-No. Location Manufacturing of systems (connectors and lines) and components of fluid technology 44 126 230537-001 VOSS Automotive Components (Jinan) Co., Ltd. Building [...] Page 1 of 1 VOSS Automotive Components (Jinan) Co., Ltd. No. 4277 Jichang Road, Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province 250107, Jinan City P.R. China Manufacturing of systems (connectors